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THE BIBLE RECAP | knowing jesus bible study series
The Bible Recap Knowing Jesus Series Tara-Leigh Cobble Knowing Jesus as King : the Gospel of Matthew | 657207 Knowing Jesus as Servant : the Gospel of Mark | 657206 Knowing Jesus as Saviour : the Gospel of Luke | 659465 Knowing Jesus as God : the Gospel of John | 659466 Paperback SD GE $ 32.99 each ___________________________________________________________ This series of in-depth Bible study guides explores the character of Jesus as revealed in each Gospel narrative . Perfect for small groups or individuals , each guide offers 10 weeks of daily readings , teaching , Scripture memorisation , and personal study . Whether you ’ re new to the Gospels or have studied them for years , this series invites you to experience the joy and transformation that comes from knowing Jesus more intimately .
Ten sessions per study guide . NEW
MATTHIAS MEDIA | australian leadership resources & bible guides
Matthias Bible Guides
Paperback SD GE
The Letters of John – Matthew Jensen | 656734 $ 19.99 Ephesians – Lionel Windsor | 660965 $ 19.99 2 Corinthians – David Jackman | 663487 $ 19.99 NEW Song of Solomon – Kamina Wust | 654789 $ 19.99 _________________________________________________________________
Matthias Bible Guides are what you turn to before the commentaries : in-depth enough to serve as a guide for the pastor preparing to preach , accessible enough for the enthusiastic lay reader or Bible study leader . In the newest volume , well-known Bible teacher and pastor David Jackman brings his decades of experience in expository ministry to the letter of 2 Corinthians . David is a sure guide to this important letter , with his incisive comments on the text matched by the warmth of his pastoral insight .
One-To-One Bible Reading : A Simple Guide For Every Christian ( 2nd Edition ) David Helm 660288 Paperback MIR GE $ 12.99 ____________________________________ Can you think of people in your life that you would like to see progress spiritually ? Here ’ s a way to help them understand more of God in a way that is simple and personal , and that doesn ’ t rely on getting them to a church program or event .
Learn The Gospel ( 2nd Edition ) Tony Payne 663733 Study Guide MIR CO $ 14.99 ____________________________________ Learn The Gospel expands Two Ways to Live into an easy-to-run study for small groups and classes . Each of the six points is fleshed out with Bible study , discussion , and video and text input . Participants will learn the key components of the gospel and what their implications are for our lives .
Also from Matthais Media ; view at koorong . com : Simply Christianity — John Dickson | 599861 $ 9.99 Just For Starters ( 4th Ed .) — Phillip Jensen & Tony Payne | 594475 $ 4.99 Christian Living For Starters — Gordon Cheng | 267860 $ 4.99
mission work . Learn more at biblesociety . org . au / projects 5