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Hope Explored : What ’ s The Best Future You Could Ever Imagine ? Rico Tice
A 604641 Leader ’ s Kit $ 39.99 604562 Teaching DVD $ 22.99 604560 Leader ’ s Handbook $ 14.99
B 604561 Guest ’ s Handbook $ 6.99 _____________________________________ A three-session introduction to the real hope that can be found in Jesus . Examine the life , death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke ’ s gospel . MIR CO
Christianity Explored : What ’ s The Best News You ’ ve Ever Heard ? Rico Tice & Barry Cooper 453978 Leader ’ s Kit $ 89.99 453982 Teaching DVD $ 47.99 453983 Leader ’ s Handbook $ 21.99
C 453997 Guest ’ s Handbook $ 9.99 _____________________________________ Seven sessions looking at Jesus ’ life in Mark ’ s gospel , meeting the man who claimed to be God and discovering how he changed history . MIR CO
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Life Explored : What ’ s The Best Gift God Could Give You ? Barry Cooper & Nate Morgan Locke 451716 Leader ’ s Kit $ 89.99 451717 Leader ’ s Handbook $ 21.99
D 451718 Guest ’ s Handbook $ 9.99 _____________________________________ Are you satisfied ? This sevensession series considers the deep longings we all have and how Jesus fulfils them . Each session features a short silent film . MIR CO
Discipleship Explored : What ’ s The Best Love You ’ ve Ever Known ? Barry Cooper 469955 Leader ’ s Kit $ 89.99 469958 Teaching DVD $ 47.99 469957 Leader ’ s Handbook $ 21.99
E 469956 Guest ’ s Handbook $ 9.99 _____________________________________ This eight-session look at the letter to the Philippians is perfect for Christians wanting to grow in their love for Jesus and know what it means to follow him . MIR CO