FEB25 | Page 13

reads you may have missed | biblical studies , theology and more
The Team Leader ’ s Handbook : How to help Christians serve Jesus together Dave Moore 663087 Paperback LM CL $ 19.99 ___________________________________
With a wealth of experience leading and teaching at Hunter Bible Church , NSW , Dave Moore knows the vital role team leaders play in gospel ministry . This must-read guide will build the skills and confidence of anyone aspiring to lead and support a group of volunteer workers in the service of Jesus .
Introduction to Biblical Interpretation : Participating in God ’ s Story of Redemption ( Foundations for Spirit- Filled Christianity Series ) Jacqueline Grey & Paul W Lewis 657211 Paperback TH SY $ 34.99 ___________________________________ By expanding the interpretive task of Scripture to fully consider the role of the Spirit in its formation and application , this introduction offers “ distinctive Charismatic and global dimensions of interpretation which should appeal to a wide readership .” – Simon Chan .
Studies in Method : Modern Genre Theory — An Introduction for Biblical Studies Andrew Judd 657795 Paperback SR GE $ 44.99 ___________________________________
The rich diversity of ancient genres found in the Bible demands a flexible , historically aware approach . Scholar of biblical hermeneutics Andrew Judd outlines the limits of current biblical genre theory and shows how a better understanding of genre leads to a better understanding of the Bible .
Bible Translations for Everyone : A Guide to Finding a Bible That ’ s Right for You Tim Wildsmith , Foreword by Amanda Bible Williams 660031 Paperback SR GE $ 34.99 ___________________________________
With over 400 English translations of the Bible , how do you choose the best one for you ? Discover the fascinating stories of their translators , including Tyndale and Wycliffe , and compare the unique features , strengths and weaknesses of the most popular versions .
The Joy of the Trinity : One God , Three Persons Tara-Leigh Cobble 651658 Paperback TH GT $ 29.99 – 20 % $ 23.99 * ___________________________________ Join bestselling author and podcaster Tara-Leigh Cobble as she walks you through the triune nature of God . As you turn each page , you ’ ll discover a beautiful , foundational view of the Trinity that will not only inform how you relate to God but give you deeper intimacy and greater joy in knowing Him .
The Lion Atlas of Bible History ( 2nd Edition ) Paul Lawrence 657276 Hardback RE AE $ 69.99 – 20 % $ 55.99 * ___________________________________ Discover the ways in which history and archaeology confirm and complement the biblical narrative . Its characters and events come to life in this ‘ visually rich work brimming with high-quality photographs , reconstructions , maps , charts and sidebars .’ — Toronto Journal of Theology .
Daily Doctrine : A One-Year Guide to Systematic Theology Kevin DeYoung 659579 Hardback TH SY $ 49.99 – 20 % $ 39.99 * ___________________________________ Kevin DeYoung is eager to make the big ideas of systematic theology accessible to all thoughtful Christians . Each month in this devotional focuses on a broad topic – mankind , salvation , the church , end times , and more – which is unpacked with clarity each day .
In These Last Days : The Dynamics of Biblical Revelation – Biblical and Systematic Theology in the Service of Understanding Scripture Graeme Goldsworthy 658820 Hardback TH SY $ 69.99 – 20 % $ 59.99 * ___________________________________
Graeme Goldsworthy ’ s magnum opus invites readers to reckon with the differing historical and cultural distances of texts from themselves when thinking about the application of the Scriptures .
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