Food for Thought | updated editions of bestsellers
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Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary Robert R Duke 660270 Hardback LA HL $ 79.99 ___________________________________ Useful for beginning to advanced readers of biblical Hebrew , this dictionary includes entries for all Hebrew words occurring at least ten times , and Aramaic words occurring at least five times in the Old Testament . Each entry provides an overview with examples from the Hebrew Bible and other Paleo-Hebrew texts .
A Encountering the Old Testament : A Christian Survey ( 4th Edition ) Bill T Arnold & Bryan E Beyer 657227 Hardback BST OT $ 79.99 _____________________________________________________ This new edition of a popular evangelical survey of the Old Testament has been updated throughout . Lavishly illustrated with clear images , maps and charts it retains the features that have made it such a valued resource .
B Whose Promised Land ? The Continuing Conflict over Israel and Palestine ( 5th Edition ) Colin Chapman 660381 Paperback CW WE $ 39.99 _____________________________________________________ Updated to cover recent events , this acclaimed work brings clarity to complex issues which continue to make headlines . Chapman unpacks the historical roots of contested claims and probes how the biblical theme of land can best be applied .
C Christian Ethics : Living a Life That Is Pleasing to God ( 2nd Edition ) Wayne Grudem 659586 Hardback CW GE $ 89.99 _____________________________________________________ To address today ’ s pressing questions , Wayne Grudem draws on 40 years of teaching classes in ethics to write this wide-ranging introduction to biblical moral reasoning , organised according to the structure of the Ten Commandments .
E The Quick-Reference Guide to Biblical Counselling ( 2nd Edition ) Tim Clinton & Ron Hawkins 657191 Paperback CC CC $ 47.99 _____________________________________________________
This A to Z guide gives pastors and counsellors helpful information for offering support in a wide array of situations . It tackles issues such as addiction , abuse , and anxiety , giving practical action steps and biblical insights .
D Blame It on the Brain ? Distinguishing Chemical Imbalances , Brain Disorders , and Disobedience ( 2nd Edition ) Edward T Welch 660853 Paperback CC CC $ 34.99 _____________________________________________________ Biblical counsellor Edward Welch examines varieties of brain dysfunction , psychiatric problems , and more , giving scriptural principles for helping sufferers while discerning between bodily weakness and sin .
F 2084 and the AI Revolution : How Artificial Intelligence Informs Our Future ( Updated & Expanded 2nd Edition ) John C Lennox 663780 Paperback SI GE $ 34.99 _____________________________________________________ John Lennox has vast knowledge in the field of AI technology and has deeply considered the ethical questions it is raising . He shows that Christianity has serious , sensible , evidencebased responses to these questions .
The Trials of Jesus : Evidence , Conclusions , and Aftermath Paul Barnett 659217 Paperback BST CH $ 39.99 – 20 % $ 31.99 * ___________________________________ With his characteristic clarity , Paul Barnett explores the historical evidence for the complex chain of events from Jesus ’ arrest to his crucifixion , as well as the extraordinary aftermath . “ The best short book on the subject ” — R W Yarbrough , Covenant Seminary .
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