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New & recent movies & documentaries
The Ark and The Darkness 663730 DVD DD GE $ 19.99 ______________________________________________ From the Director of Genesis : Paradise Lost , this documentary explores geology , paleontology , fossils , and more to confirm the biblical truth that Noah ’ s flood actually happened . Join a team of scientists as they reveal incredible discoveries !
The Forge 663895 DVD DM GE $ 24.99 ______________________________________________ From the creators of Fireproof and War Room , comes a new movie with old friends and inspiring new twists . A year out of high school with no plans for his future , Isaiah is challenged by his single mum and a successful businessman to chart a better course for his life .
The Chosen : Season 4 661166 3-DVD Set DM GE $ 32.99 _________________________________________________ Immerse yourself in the internationally beloved Gospel-based TV series that ’ s got over 100 million viewers talking about Jesus ! In this epic fourth season , kingdoms clash and Jesus ’ enemies close in — while his followers struggle to keep up . Eight one-hour episodes .
Save up to 30 % on summer ’ s top selling DVDs — many more to choose from
Unsung Hero 661791 DVD DM GE $ 24.99 – 20 % $ 19.99 *
The Case For Heaven 653739 DVD DD GE $ 24.99 – 30 % $ 17.49 *
Ordinary Angels 660572 DVD DM GE $ 24.99 – 30 % $ 17.49 *
Jesus Revolution 649474 DVD DM GE $ 24.99 – 30 % $ 17.49 *
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