FEB25 | Page 21

Bibles designed especially for kids & teens | new & recent arrivals
NLT GO Bible for Kids
A Teal Ocean Imitation Leather | 660534 $ 79.99 – 30 % $ 55.99 *
B Blue Mountains Imitation Leather | 660535 $ 79.99 – 30 % $ 55.99 *
C Beach Sunrise Imitation Leather | 660536 $ 79.99 – 30 % $ 55.99 *
D Hardback | 660537 $ 59.99 – 30 % $ 41.99 * ___________________________________________________________________________ When God calls , it ’ s time to go ! Bursting with fun , engaging content , this Bible offers more than 600 dynamic features that connect God ’ s Word to everyday life , emphasising the theme of transformation . The NLT ’ s accurate , easy-to-read text is perfect for young readers . Ages 7 +. CHI NL
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Storybook also available in this series ( page 22 )
NKJV Colour Code Bible for Kids
E Hardback | 660122 $ 54.99
F Pink Imitation Leather | 660120 $ 79.99
G Blue Imitation Leather | 660124 $ 79.99 ___________________________________________________________________________ Help young readers access the big story of the Bible with this unique new resource . More than 1,900 verses are highlighted in vibrant colours , letting kids quickly trace nine big Bible themes : God , Jesus , sin , salvation , love , worship , growth , heaven , and family . The 9-pt text is presented in clear and readable Comfort Print ®. CHI NK
NIV Journal the Word Bible for Teen Girls : Lavender / White Clothbound Hardback 657676 YTH NI $ 84.99 __________________________________ With thick white paper and lined wide margins offering space for notes , art , and reflections , this Bible invites a teen girl to respond personally to God ’ s word . Better still , there are hundreds of thought-provoking questions and journalling prompts to get her thinking !
The NIV Bible for Young Explorers With Bear Grylls & Andrew Ollerton 661456 Hardback CHI NI $ 49.99 __________________________________
Set out on the trail that leads to Jesus with this explorationthemed Bible , complete with ‘ Terrain Guides ’, ‘ Signposts ’, ‘ Tricky Ground ’, and ‘ Camp Fire Facts ’. Bear is a constant source of encouragement , pointing out the verses that have fuelled his soul on many an adventure .
NKJV Study Bible for Kids 657630 Hardback $ 59.99 657631 Imitation Leather $ 79.99 __________________________________ Freshly updated with an engaging full-colour internal design , this Bible equips kids with a great selection of features to help them understand and apply God ’ s Word . It is designed to point them toward a lasting relationship with God . CHI NK
NIrV Outreach Bible for Kids : Blue / Fish 657669 Paperback CHI NR $ 19.99 __________________________________ The NIrV allows younger readers — or anyone who would benefit from easier-to-read language — to comprehend and enjoy the Bible independently . Included in this edition is a Bible words dictionary , plus reading guides , “ The ABCs of Salvation ”, and useful fact files to aid understanding .
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