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overarching message of Scripture
The Bible Speaks Today
20 % OFF SETS *
The Bible Speaks Today : Revised Editions InterVarsity Press UK
Paperback SET OT / NT / WH
Old Testament ( 33 Volumes ) | 660743 $ 595.00 – 20 % $ 476.00 * New Testament ( 22 Volumes ) | 660744 $ 395.00 – 20 % $ 316.00 * Whole Bible ( 55 Volumes ) | 660741 $ 939.99 – 20 % $ 751.99 * _________________________________________________ The revised edition of IVP UK ’ s acclaimed BST series is now complete — sensitively updated by contributors known for their scholarly rigour and ministry experience .
The Psalms : A Christ-Centred Commentary ( 4 Volume Set ) Christopher Ash 659549 Hardback SET OT $ 199.99 – 20 % $ 159.99 * __________________________________________
This commentary provides a thorough treatment of all 150 Psalms . Ash examines each psalm ’ s significance to David and the other psalmists , to Jesus during his earthly ministry , and to the church of Christ in every age .
Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament Series : Romans Sam Storms , Series Editors Holly Beers & Craig S Keener 659451 Paperback NTC 45 $ 44.99 – 20 % $ 35.99 * ___________________________________
Written by pastorally sensitive biblical scholars from the Spirit-filled tradition , this series highlights the bond between Word and Spirit . Sam Storms explores Romans through this lens , with discussion supported by images and sidebar notes .
The Challenge of Acts : A Crash Course on the Book of Acts and its Relevance for Christianity and Culture Today Tom Wright 660336 Paperback BST NT $ 29.99 – 20 % $ 23.99 * ___________________________________
Writing in his distinctively readable style , Tom Wright offers a clear and incisive introduction to the book of Acts . Opening up its cultural context , he shows how Acts looks back to the Gospels and provides the framework of the letters to follow .
Reading The Bible Today Series : Job – Enduring Hope Andrew R Prideaux , Series Editor Mark Thompson 662207 Paperback OTC 18 $ 29.99 – 20 % $ 23.99 * ___________________________________ The book of Job is a profound story of suffering , but interpreting its poetic text is not easy . This commentary combines rigorous theological thought with practical application . An excellent resource for teaching , pastoral care , and personal reading .
Commentaries for Christian Formation Series : Hebrews Amy Peeler 656727 Hardback NTC 58 $ 59.99 – 20 % $ 47.99 * ___________________________________ Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College , Amy Peeler , opens up the book of Hebrews in this detailed commentary , which includes her fresh translation . “ Lucidly , beautifully written , excelling in rich theological reflection and an uncommon depth of pastoral good sense .” — George Guthrie , Regent College .
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