Van Gogh Has a Broken Heart : What Art Teaches Us About the Wonder and Struggle of Being Alive Russ Ramsey , Foreword by W . David O . Taylor 660183 Hardback CW MC $ 44.99 ___________________________________ Great artists seek to capture the human condition , and can teach us about struggle , hope , the ugly and the transcendent . A masterful storyteller , Russ Ramsey is renowned for unveiling the insights art offers about ourselves and about God . |
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Behind the current movement toward more liturgical church traditions , historian and theologian Gavin Ortlund , sees a hunger for historical rootedness . He offers a powerful defense of the Protestant ‘ always reforming ’ tradition as the best pathway to catholicity .
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Join Rod Dreher as he explores why contemporary Christianity seems so empty and why so many young people are walking away from it . He argues that the miraculous , sacramental experience of God from the first millennium is still real , though hidden , and accessible to anyone willing to take the risk .
World Religions in Seven Sentences : A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic Douglas Groothuis 647768 Paperback REL GE $ 29.99 ___________________________________
Understanding the beliefs and practices of other faiths is essential not just to the task of inter-religious dialogue , but also to grasping one ’ s own faith . In this fantastic short book , Douglas Groothuis introduces us to the heart of the world ’ s leading faiths — including atheism .
Ancient Wisdom for the Care of Souls Coleman M Ford & Shawn J Wilhite , Foreword by Ray Ortlund 659594 Paperback LM CL $ 37.99 – 20 % $ 30.39 * ___________________________________ How did the early church fathers such as Irenaeus , Athanasius , Chrysostom and others , envisage ‘ the care of souls ’? Be encouraged to consider a slower , humbler and more contemplative approach to pastoring in this theological , historical and practical resource . |
God ’ s Israel and the Israel of God : Paul and Supersessionism Michael F Bird & Scot McKnight Editors 617066 Paperback BST PA $ 44.99 – 20 % $ 35.99 * ___________________________________ Has the Christian church replaced Israel as God ’ s people ? The concept of supersession is both controversial and current . Readers will gain insight into this important debate as leading scholars engage with each other ’ s differing views in this fascinating volume of essays . |
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The Pursuit of Christian Maturity : Flourishing in the Grace and Knowledge of Christ A W Tozer , Compiled and Edited by James L Snyder 657192 Paperback CL AW $ 24.99 – 20 % $ 19.99 * ___________________________________ In this never-before-published material , Tozer dives deep into a favourite topic : growing in Christ . With passion and biblical wisdom , he equips you to ignite a true desire for Christ and implement life-giving disciplines to mature and grow in His grace . |