Classic KJV Bibles for today ’ s reader
Commissioned by King James I of England , the ‘ King James ’ Bible was a monumental achievement of biblical scholarship . Formally known as the Authorised Version , its influence on the development of English is impossible to overstate ; its rich language – contemporary with that of Shakespeare – retains a compelling grandeur . Building on William Tyndale ’ s legacy , the translators maintained a commitment to word-forword accuracy that has stood the test of time , and the KJV continues to be the translation of choice for many Christians .
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A stunning double-column Bible with 17-pt type . Features : crossreferences , thematic Scripture verse finder , concordance , words of Christ in red , one-year Bible reading plan , full-colour maps , and much more ! 27 x 19 x 4cm .
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These attractive editions are ideal for church outreach . KJV OM
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These striking double-column , red-letter Bibles include crossreferences , a concordance , a topical verse finder , and 8 full-colour annotated maps . 14-pt , 22.5 x 14.2 x 4.1cm .
KJV Royal Ruby Compact Holy Bible
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This durable text Bible features a practical , traditional layout . The pictorial edition contains 16 ‘ Holy Land ’ photos . 6.4-pt , 13.7 x 9.4cm .
KJV Mini Pocket Bible Imitation Leather KJV CO Black | 490716 $ 29.99 Tan | 143216 $ 29.99 ___________________________________ These attractive little lay-flat editions are perfect for gifting . The quality cover material was imported from Italy , with the look and feel of real leather . 6-pt , 25.2 x 17.3cm .
valid 1st July — 30th September 2024 , while stock lasts . 11